Springfield shrunk the Echelon… but did they ruin it? 🤔 I put the Echelon 4.0 C through over 1,000 rounds, brutal testing, and some questionable decisions to see if it lives up to the hype. Compact carry perfection or a step backward? Let’s find out! 👀

#springfieldarmory #echelon #compact

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Products and Discounts in this video

ImageProductLinkDiscount Code
Springfield Army Echelon 4.0 CBrownellsWLS10
Vortex Defender STBrownellsWLS10
Safe Life Defense Hyper Concealable ArmorSafe Life DefenseWLSISLIFE
Magazine Sleeve .stlMakerWorldNA
MagazinesGunMag WarehouseNA
Triple Gambit Strike GlovesMitchell DefenseWLS10
Axil GS extreme gen 2AxilWLSISLIFE
Safariland INCOG X HolsterSafarilandNA
Viktos taculus mx chest rigPrimary ArmsNA
Caldwell Steel TargetsBrownells WLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Virtual Vtact Bruiser TargetVirtual VtacNA
Blue Alpha Battle Belt LiteBlue AlphaMessage for code
Flatline Fiber Co Dump PouchFlatline Fiber CoNA
Camorado Hooded Sunshirt SeasmokeCamoradoDFYT
Dangerous Freedom ShirtDangerous FreedomNA
Tactical RX GlassesTactical RXNA

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