In this video I tackle the Smith & Wesson Equalizer, well, not physically, old bones, ya know. I hear so much crap about this gun and I wanted to find out for myself! So come on and watch and let’s see what it’s got!

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Links in the title or description of your video to sites where firearms or the accessories noted above are sold.  However, You can link to sites that discuss or review these items as long as those sites don’t sell those items directly.

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Products and Discounts in this video

ImageProductLinkDiscount Code
Smith & Wesson EqualizerBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+
Streamlight TLR-7APrimary ArmsNA
Bushnell RXU-200AmazonNA
Equalizer 9MM 15 Round MagazineThe Mag ShackNA
TrueShot Gun Club 9mmTrueShot Gun ClubWLSSHIP for $20 off a-zone rewards program & Free Shipping!
Dangerous Freedom shirtDangerous FreedomNA
Tactical RX GlassesTactical RXNA
Brownells hatBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+
Axil GS Extreme ear proAXILWLSISLIFE
Smith & Wesson 380 EZBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+
Smith & Wesson 9mm EZBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+
Dangerous Freedom cleaning matDangerous Freedom
Uplula MaglulaThe Mag ShackNA
Blue Alpha Battle Belt LiteBlue AlphaWLS10 for 10% off
Black Rhino Concealment shield plusBlack Rhino ConcealmentWLSMOFO for 10% off
Ironclad exo tactical glovesAmazonNA
Dangerous Freedom Denim JacketDangerous FreedomNA
Walker FiremaxBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+
Walker Firemax Walkie AttachmentBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+

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