Some things to look out for when buying quality stuff! Starring Liberty Bell Firearms.

#ar15 #libertybellfirearms #budgetar15 #ballingonabudget

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Links in the title or description of your video to sites where firearms or the accessories noted above are sold.  However, You can link to sites that discuss or review these items as long as those sites don’t sell those items directly.

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Products and Discounts in this video

ImageProductLinkDiscount Code
Liberty Bell Freedom RifleLiberty Bell FirearmsWLSISLIFE for 5% off sitewide. 20% off cerakote.
Magpul AR-15 K2+ GripBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
AR-15 RAPTOR-LT CHARGING HANDLEBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
LaRue Tactical MBT-2S TriggerLaRue TacticalNA
B5 Systems BRAVO Mil-Spec StockPrimary ArmsNA
aimpoint comp m5Palmetto State ArmoryNA
Lancer MagazinesThe Mag ShackNA
Flatline Fiber Co. SlingFlatline Fiber Co.WLS13 for 13% off
Walker's FiremaxBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Walker's Firemax Walkie AttachmentBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Eberlestock Bang Bang Range BagBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Dangerous Freedom Denim SherpaWe Like ShootingNA

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