PCC’s suffer from some really ANNOYING problems, but I think the universal MAT-9 PCC upper from Matador Arms fixes so many of those problems. It’s not perfect, but it might be the closest thing we have!

#matadorarms #mat9 #pcc #pistolcalibercarbine

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Products and Discounts in this video

ImageProductLinkDiscount Code
Matador Arms MAT-9Matador ArmsWLSISLIFE
Swampfox RaiderSwampfox OpticsWLS4EVER for 15% off
Swampfox Liberator 2Swampfox OpticsWLS4EVER for 15% off
Walker's FiremaxBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Walker's Firemax Walkie TalkieBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Torrent Suppressors T9NANA
Brownells BRN-9BrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Mag Shack mp5 magsThe Mag ShackNA
JMAC Customs Triangle stockJMAC CustomsNA
KM3 Solutions cheek riserKM3 SolutionsNA
New Frontier Armory G-5 lowerNew Frontier ArmoryNA
Franklin Armory AR-15 binary triggerFranklin ArmoryWLS10
Matador Arms GripsMatador ArmsWLSISLIFE
Walker Defense Research NILE grip panelWalker DefenseNA
KNS Precision Picitinny buffer plugBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Axil GS Extreme ear proAxilWLSISLIFE
Mean Arms EndomagBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Law Tacitcal FolderBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Blue Alpha Battle Belt LiteBlue AlphaMessage for code
Eberlestock Bang Bang Range BagBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Ironclad exo tactical glovesAmazonNA
Tactical RX GlassesTactical RXNA
WLS ShirtWe Like ShootingNA
Swampfox HatSampfoxWLS4EVER for 15% off

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