Watch to the end, I always try to make it worth it.

My first EDC video. What do you carry?

Links to the products and gear and COUPON CODES are below the video!


This blog doesn’t have anything for sale.

This is a review blog with links only.

According to YouTube’s Firearms Policies:

Links in the title or description of your video to sites where firearms or the accessories noted above are sold.  However, You can link to sites that discuss or review these items as long as those sites don’t sell those items directly.

Therefore this blog is YouTube Compliant.

See the Policies Here

Products and Discounts in this video

PicProductLinkDiscount Code
GlockBrownellsSee site
Paint and laserCharger Armsn/a
Streamlight TLR-7ABrownellsSee site
Shield Arms MagsBrownellsSee site
AmmunitionTrue Shot Gun ClubWLSSHIP (edge program)
HolsterBlack Rhino ConcealmentWLSMOFO (10%)
Pocket KnifeAmazonn/a
"Herrin" EDC knifeNoble Knife Designn/a
Streamlight Microstream USBBrownellsSee site
Big med kitMedical Gear Outfitterswelikeshooting (11%)
Micro Trauma KitMedical Gear Outfitterswelikeshooting (11%)
Multicam black pouchamazonn/a
Safariland QLS forkAmazonn/a
VertX Ready packVertXn/a
Backpack ArmorPremier Body ArmorWLS (10%)
WalletBlack Rhino ConcealmentWLSMOFO (10%)
WalletBlue AlphaWLS10 (10%)
Shirt2A or FUWLSISLIFE (10%)

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