Watch to the end, I always try to make it worth it.

My first turkey hunt. Ever been? what did you think?!

Links to the products and gear and COUPON CODES are below the video!


This blog doesn’t have anything for sale.

This is a review blog with links only.

According to YouTube’s Firearms Policies:

Links in the title or description of your video to sites where firearms or the accessories noted above are sold.  However, You can link to sites that discuss or review these items as long as those sites don’t sell those items directly.

Therefore this blog is YouTube Compliant.

See the Policies Here

Products and Discounts in this video

ProductLinkDiscount Code
Big Mountain Hunting RanchHuntingn/a
Team POIColen/a
Utah AirgunsAirguns!n/a
Devil Dog Arms 1911Devil Dog ArmsN/A
Axil Ear ProAxilWLSISLIFE for 10% off
KnivesMad Dog KnivesN/A
Bino PackCole-Tac Premier PackN/A
BinocularsVortex Fury HD 5000 from BrownellsSee site

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