There was definitely some reluctance when I got the Staccato XL. What if I loved it? What if I hated it? Staccato has been one of my grail guns for quite a while.

Links to the products and gear and COUPON CODES are below the video!

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Links in the title or description of your video to sites where firearms or the accessories noted above are sold.  However, You can link to sites that discuss or review these items as long as those sites don’t sell those items directly.

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Products and Discounts in this video

ImageProductLinkDiscount Code
Staccato MagsSportsman's WarehouseN/A
SecureIt Gun Storage WallSecureIt Gun Storage WLS5
Brownells / Dixxon Flannel ColabBrownells WLS10 for 10% off $150+
Swampfox JusticeSwampfoxWLS4EVER for 15% off
Safelife Defense Hyperline VestSafelife DefenseN/A
WLS T-ShirtWe Like ShootingN/A
Staccato Optics MountsStaccatoN/A
Sightmark Latitude Spotting ScopeEuro OpticN/A
Scabbard FCSBlack Rhino ConcealmentWLSMOFO for 10% off!
TrueShot Gun Club AmmoTrueShot Gun ClubWLSSHIP for $20 off a-zone rewards program & Free Shipping!
Lyman Trigger Pull GaugeBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+
Brownells HatBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+
Trigger InteractiveTrigger InteractiveWLS15 for 15% off

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