The Bushnell RXU-200 is an ultra-compact pistol red dot! Come along as we test it out and find out why I think it might be one of the best dots you can get if you are new to red dots!

The RXU-200 is a game-changer for pistol shooters looking for accuracy and speed. With its compact size and clear sight picture, you’ll be hitting your targets like a pro in no time.

#bushnell #rxu200 #compactreddot

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Products and Discounts in this video

ImageProductLinkDiscount Code
Bushnell RXU-200AmazonNA
Smith & Wesson EqualizerBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+
Streamlight TLR-7A subBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+
Tactical RX GlassesTactical RXNA
TrueShot Gun Club 9mmTrueShot Gun ClubWLSSHIP for $20 off a-zone rewards program & Free Shipping!
Walker's FiremaxBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Walker's Firemax Walkie AttachmentBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
BRC holstersBlack Rhino ConcealmentWLSMOFO for 10% off
Blue Alpha Battle Belt LiteBlue AlphaWLS10 for 10% off
Staccato PStaccatoNA
Ironclad Exo shooting glovesAmazonNA
Axil GS Extreme ear proAXILWLSISLIFE
Holosun 507kBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+
Swampfox Optics SentinelSwampfox OpticsWLS4EVER for 15% off
Trijicon RMRCCBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off $150+

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