Is the IWI Masada 9S the ultimate budget-friendly striker-fired pistol? We dive into its features, performance, and see if this affordable option can take on the heavyweights. Don’t miss this review!

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Products and Discounts in this video

ImageProductLinkDiscount Code
Mischief Machine CommanderMischief MachineWLSISLIFE for 5% off
Gideon Optics JudgeGideon OpticsWLSISLIFE for 11% off
Streamlight TRL7 subBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Mountain Partisan Split Chest RigMountain PartisanNA
Walker's FiremaxBrownellsWLS10 for 10% off orders of $150+
Viktos low key chest rigPrimary ArmsNA
Viktos taculus mx chest rigPrimary ArmsNA
Virtual Vtact Bruiser TargetVirtual VtacNA
Black Rhino ConcealmentBRCWLSMOFO for 10% off
Flatline Fiber CoFlatline Fiber CoNA
Camorado Hooded SunshirtCamoradoDFYT
Dangerous Freedom ShirtDangerous FreedomNA
Tactical RX GlassesTactical RXNA

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