I shot the Thinnest IIIA body armor with machineguns – Hyperline

Watch to the end, I always try to make it worth it. This one is a DOOZY! I got in some of the thinnest body armor out there and I did everything I could to destroy it! Safe Life Defense Hyperline is so light and thin, do you think it will stop anything?! Links to the...

Liberty Bell Firearms Freedom Rifle Review

Some things to look out for when buying quality stuff! Starring Liberty Bell Firearms. #ar15 #libertybellfirearms #budgetar15 #ballingonabudget This blog doesn’t have anything for sale. This is a review blog with links only. According to YouTube’s Firearms...

Cobalt Kinetics Pro 11.5″ Review

The best gun to own for the apocalypse combines reliability, versatility, and ease of maintenance. An ideal choice would be a firearm like the AR-15, known for its adaptability, accuracy, and widespread availability of ammunition and parts. #cobaltkinetics...

Smith & Wesson Equalizer Review

In this video I tackle the Smith & Wesson Equalizer, well, not physically, old bones, ya know. I hear so much crap about this gun and I wanted to find out for myself! So come on and watch and let’s see what it’s got! This blog doesn’t have...

This MP5 clone will blow your mind…seriously

 I know that a lot of ya’ll will poopoo anything that is not the almighty HK, but there really are some overall better options if you are willing to listen. MP5 will always be the grail, but for someone that wants the whimsy of roller lock, along with the...

CZ Tactical Sport 2 / TS2 Review

The CZ Tactical Sport 2 or CZ TS2 if you’re in a hurry is a unique blend of engineering and pumpkin spice. Watch our CZ TS2 review! #cz #czts2 #tacticalsport2 This blog doesn’t have anything for sale. This is a review blog with links only. According to...

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